Update, update, update!

Update I first want to say I am so sorry about how MIA I have been. It has been so tough to make time for blogging. So here is a crash course in what has been happening in our life. First, Theodore is such an amazing little boy! He is walking, running, and climbing into…

Theodore Turned One and We Bought a House! 

I have truly and utterly sucked at keeping this blog updated. I have so many other things that have just gotten in the way… Life with a kiddo is busy, hectic, and when you have moments of quiet and calm you just want to relax, relax, relax!  So…Theodore turned one! We had a small party…


So…The Etsy shop with baby stuff didn’t pan out because I was informed I had to be complaint to sell baby clothing items. I totally agree that this should be the standard but I didn’t know at the time. So I closed that all down while I did research on what it took to be…

Making baby bibs

So…I made two baby bibs. One the regular style, one bandana bib style. I’m thinking about trying to sell them. I’m wanting to make some extra money but stay at home with Theodore. What do y’all think? Would you buy one? Currently they are Velcro closure but going to buy a snap device because Velcro…

9 months of Theodore Jackson (a few days late)

Can you believe it’s been 9 months (and 4 days) since Theodore was born!? I sure can’t! It feels like time has flown!  This boy is such a joy to us and everyone tells us how chill and relax a baby he is.  Usually is he one happy, smiley, giggly baby who is very attached…

Meeting Santa

So… I have a hard time dealing with Santa. I found out at a very young age (like 4/5) that Santa wasn’t real. I was that kind of kid that hated being lied to and took it very personally.  Growing up I still never liked the idea lying to nieces, cousins, the general childhood population….

Breastfeeding Tree Art Photos

I don’t know if you guys have seen these breastfeeding “selfie” tree art photos going around on social media. They are so beautiful so I decided to make a few and I am in love with them! I am seriously debating having some blown up and hang it on my walls! 

Happy Thanksgiving from our ill little family & a pic update

Well, I’ve been sick for the last 3 weeks which I attributed to allergies since I haven’t been able to take my normal allergy medicine because of breastfeeding.  Three days ago Theodore woke up stuffed up and has been coughing, sneezing, wheezing, runny nose, stuffed up, and an on again and off again fever, with…

So conflicted

I know once upon a time I said that I wouldn’t want anymore children after Theodore. I didn’t want to be pregnant ever again.  I guess I lied. I want another baby! Jay wants another baby! BUT there are 2 issues: 1. Theodore and I are happily breastfeeding with no issues at all. I’m so…